Konferenzen und öffentliche Veranstaltungen
Untenstehend findet sich eine Übersicht aller seit 2001 besuchten Konferenzen und vergleichbaren Veranstaltungen, bei welchen ich in irgend einer Form aktiv mitwirkte (interne Labmeetings sowie Seminarvorträge innerhalb der Uni/ETH Zürich sind hier nicht aufgeführt).
Präsentationen bzw. Poster stehen als Download zur Verfügung.
Rasche Orientierung
- Dialogveranstaltung «Regulierung von KI: Risiken, Rechte und Verantwortlichkeiten»: “Chancen von KI kontrolliert nutzen – wie kann das gelingen?” (Bern, November 26)
- Stratos-Debatte: “Autonome Waffensysteme – was bringt die Zukunft” (November 13)
- Stände-Talk: “Teaching, Research, and AI: The Future of Knowledge and Social Impact” (Oktober 29)
- FORMI-Kurs 2024: “Ethik der Künstlichen Intelligenz” (Wil, September 11)
- Research Hackathon: Investigating the Role of AI in Higher Education: “AI in higher education: Insights from UZH students survey and strategic recommendations” (Zürich, September 11)
- TA-SWISS Klausurtagung: “Dual-Use: Technologien in militärischen Anwendungen” (Spiez, September 9)
- DACH-Tagung Militärethik: Mensch-Maschine Kooperation im Sicherheitsbereich: Wer ist verantwortlich? (Luzern, September 3-6)
- Stiftung Risiko Dialog: “Roundtable KI in der Luftfahrtsicherheit” (Zürich, August 29)
- Final Meeting of the NFP 77 “Promoting trust in cybersecurity through ethics and law: conclusions” (Bern, June 3)
- 8. Datenschutzrechtstagung: “Daten-Ethik – was soll das sein und wie bringt man das in die Praxis?” (Zürich, May 22)
- Conference “L’éthique et le droit pour promouvoir la confiance en la cybersécurité: une conclusion” (Lausanne, April 17)
- Conference “Mit Ethik und Recht das Vertrauen in die Cybersicherheit fördern – ein Fazit” (Zürich, March 7)
- AI workshop of the Life Science Zurich Graduate School: “Main Findings of the DSI Strategy Lab 2023” (Zürich, February 8)
- World Health Organization, Webinar “The Power of Artificial Intelligence for Advancing Health Equity”: AI in Health (Equity) – Opinions and Recommendations’, panelist (Zurich, January 23)
- NFP-75. Workshop “Big Data – Neue Erkenntnisse zu Rechtslage, (Selbst-)Regulierung und Anwendungen im öffentlichen Sektor, invited expert (Bern, Februar 8)
- Media Workshop “Algorithmen & KI” (Zürich, March 1)
- National Media Conference “NRP 75 Big Data”, Bern: “Gesellschaftliche und ethische Herausforderungen von Big Data” (March 2)
- Inselspital Bern, Symposium Gesundheitsberufe: “Gesellschaftliche und ethische Dimensionen der digitalen Transformation” (Bern, March 10)
- BrainFare Zurich: “KI in der Medizin – gesellschaftliche und ethische Dimensionen” (March 16)
- Societal Acceptance of Drones in Urban Switzerland, Expert Consultation Workshop, invited expert (Winterthur, April 6)
- Workshop “Data protection and research – solution approaches” (Zürich, April 20)
- Kirchgemeinde Uitikon: “Künstliche Intelligenz – was ist das?” (May 10/24)
- Grosser Rat des Kantons Bern, Parldigi MasterClass: KI in der Medizin. Welche ethischen Fra-gen stellen sich? (Bern, June 6)
- Université de Lausanne, Forensic Information Technology Working Group Annual Meeting: “Ethical Issues in Cybersecurity” (Lausanne, June 8)
- Meeting of the NFP 77 “Digital Transformation”: Project status report (Bern, June 13)
- Swiss Parliament, Kommission für Wissenschaft, Bildung und Kultur: AI Hearing, invited expert (Bern, August 17)
- NRP-77 «Open Justice vs. Privacy», Expertenworkshop, invited expert (Bern, Oktober 31)
- Kirchgemeinde Uitikon: “Künstliche Intelligenz – eine Einführung” (November 8/15)
- Panel “Recommendations for AI in Education”; part of the AI Policy Summit (Zürich, November 4)
- NOVO Innovation Day: “Wir uns die Künstliche Intelligenz – ein Blick hinter den Hype” (November 22)
- CH-CERT-Meeting “Präsentation CERT Ethics Guidelines” (Bern, Dezember 8)
- Parldigi-Workshop “Cybersicherheit – die kommenden Herausforderungen” (Bern, Dezember 20)
- Schulthess Forum Data Privacy 2022, Zürich: Podium Datenethik (March 22)
- Kickoff “UFSP Digital Religion(s)”, Zürich: Podium “Was wir uns vom UFSP Digital Religion(s) versprechen” (April 1)
- Workshop “Social Acceptance of Drones in Urban Switzerland”: invited expert (Winterthur, April 6)
- Meeting of the NFP 77 “Digital Transformation”: Project status (Basel, May 17)
- Workshop “Nationale Strategie zum Schutz der Schweiz vor Cyberrisiken – Effektive Abwehr von Cyberangriffen und Ahnung der Verursacher”: invited expert (Bern, June 9)
- Fireside Chat with Swiss Parliament “Monitoring von künstlicher Intelligenz”: invited expert (Bern, June 13)
- Workshop “Die Rolle der Ethik für eine nachhaltige Datenwirtschaft” (Zürich, September 29)
- University of Notre Dame, Rome Global Gateway; Workshop Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: “Human-AI-interaction in security-related decision-making: empirical findings and normative consequences” (Rome, October 20-21).
- Workshop “Controlling Autonomous Systems in the Security Sector – empirical, ethical and legal considerations” (Zürich, November 2-3)
- Parldigi-Veranstaltung NFP-75 Big Data im Bundeshaus “Die Schweiz und Big Data: Chancen und Herausforderungen”: invited expert (Bern, December 5)
- Associate Deans Conference: Challenges and Opportunities: Conducting Quality Research in the Digital Age – The example of the Digital Society Initiative (online, October 28)
- Eichinger T, Christen M, Katsarov J (2021): uMed: Your Choice - A Serious Game for Medical Ethics Education. 47th Annual Conference of the Association for Moral Education (online, November 03-07), talk
- 41st Scientific Week of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre: DESAT – Data Protection & Ethics Self-Assessment-Tool (online, November 09)
- Workshop “Trust in Autonomous Machines” (online, Zürich, November 26-27)
- Meeting of SRG SSR Verwaltungsrat “Ausschuss Digitale Transformation”: invited expert (online, Bern, November 2)
- SATW TecToday Event: “Big Data am Arbeitsplatz”: panelist (Zürich, September 17)
- Conference “SDS 2020 - Swiss Conference on Data Science”, including pre-conference work-shop “Implementing Data Ethics in Business Processes” (online, Lucerne, June 26)
- Workshop “Serious Games for Ethics Training in Medicine” (Zürich, January 16-17)
- Amnesty International Hochschulgruppe Zürich: “Waffenforschung an Schweizer Hochschu-len?” panelist (Zürich, November 06)
- IBM Data AI Meetup - Künstliche Intelligenz: Die Umsetzung und ethische Debatte: “Addres-sing ethical challenges in the use of AI and Big Data” (Zürich, September 19)
- Expert conference “Big Data Ethics Recommendations for the Insurance Industry” (Zürich, September 16)
- CYD-Campus Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Defence and Security: From Robots to Cyber Weapons. Ethical Considerations on the Use of AI in Security and Defense (Lausanne, September 5)
- 24. Symposium on Privacy and Security: panelist (Zürich, September 4)
- Stadtgespräch Digitalisierung: Smart City Zürich & Künstliche Intelligenz. Inputreferat “Künstliche Intelligenz” (Zürich, September 3)
- Zurich, Swiss Data Science Conference. “Data Ethics Poker Round” (Bern, June 13).
- Workshop SATW / Stiftung Risiko Dialog: “Künstliche Intelligenz im Alltag: eine Einführung” (Zürich, June 6)
- Meeting of the NFP Big Data: “NRP-75-Project: Between Solidarity and Personalization: main results“ (Bern, May 21)
- Workshop “Value-driven operations and strategical technological development in cybersecuri-ty” (Lausanne, May 13-14)
- International conference “Ethical and Legal Aspects of Autonomous Security Systems” (Zürich, May 2-3)
- Zurich, Shift 2019 - Business ohne Grenzen? Vertrauen und Akzeptanz digitaler Geschäftsmo-delle; session “Ethisches Framework für Unternehmen” (Zürich, February 28)
- National Cybersecurity Strategy – planning event topic “Kompetenz- und Wissensaufbau” (Bern, December 6): invited expert
- ICT 2018 Conference, Networking Session “The Ethics Case of Cybersecurity – how should I decide?” (Vienna, December 5): co-organizer
- Conference “The Cyborg Days” (Zürich, November 26-28): co-organizer
- Zurich, ICMF-Fachtagung Cyber Security: “Ethische Herausforderungen der Cybersecurity” (Zürich, November 22): speaker
- Zurich University of the Arts: “Chances and risks of Big Data in industrial design” (Zürich, November 20): speaker
- University of Applied Sciences of Special Needs Education: “Ethische Fragen von Robotik” (Zurich, November 14): speaker
- Panel “Living with Cybersecurity: A Shared Responsibility” (Tricity, Poland, September 24-26): speaker & co-organizer
- University Zurich, Workshop Digital Health and Shared Decision-Making: “Definition and scope of Digital Health” (Zürich, September 19): speaker
- Workshop “Cybersecurity Challenges in the Government Sphere - Ethical, Legal and Technical Aspects” (Bern, September 5-6): organizer
- Workshop “New Security Paradigms Workshop” (Windsor, August 29-31): program committee
- University of Notre Dame, London Global Gateway, Conference Practicing Science: Virtues, Values, and the Good Life: “Does the Digitization of Science Affect Scientific Virtue?” (London, August 11): speaker
- Public event series “Ist gut nicht gut genug?”: Hirndoping (Pfäffikon, July 6): speaker and panelist
- ARCHE 2018, Robotic support in disaster management (Wangen a.A., July 5): speaker & invited expert
- Bern, Ethics & Leadership Workshop “Spielerischer Ernst - Computerspiele zum Training moralischer Kompetenzen von Mitarbeitenden”: “Moralische Sensitivität - was ist das?” (Bern, July 3); speaker
- Veranstaltungszyklus Autonomie in der Medizin: “Autonomie und Digitalisierung“ (Bern, June 15): panelist
- Law & Robots Workshop 2018: “Diskriminierung durch Big Data im Versicherungswesen? – Ethische Überlegungen“ (Basel, May 16): speaker
- Meeting of the NFP Big Data: “The Big Data ELSI Task Force“ (Bern, May 8): speaker
- Reatch NanoTalks: “Criteria for the Ethical Use of (Semi-) Autonomous Systems in Security and Defense“ (Zurich, March 29): speaker
- Jean Monnet Module: “Neuroscientific research in the EU ethical-legal framework“ (Milano, March 12): speaker
- Zurich, PolitTalk “Digitales Zürich: “Daten – Rohstoff der Zukunft“ (Zurich, January 23): speaker
- Zurich, Porny Days Festival: “Panel Sex Robots“ (Zurich, November 25): panelist
- Collegium Helveticum Workshop “Dr. Cyber – oder wer sorgt eigentlich für unsere digitale Gesundheit?” (Zurich, November 22): co-organizer
- Akademie Berlingen: “Ethik und Prognose“ (Berlingen, October 25): talk
- Conference “Technology-enhanced Warfare: Perspectives from Ethics and Social Science” (Rome, October 17-18): co-organizer & talk
- University of Zurich, “Tag der Lehre”: Panel “Teaching in the digital age” (Zurich, October 1); panelist
- Digital Festival: “Panel Big Data“ (Zürich, September 14): panelist
- Durham University, Institute of Advanced Study: Virtues in the Practice of Science Colloquium: invited expert (Durham, September 7-8)
- Panel “Thematic Session on Serious Moral Games” as part of ISAGA 2017; International Simulation and Gaming Association (Delft, July 10-14): co-organizer
- Brocher Foundation Workshop “Cybersecurity Challenges in Healthcare - Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects” (Geneva, June 12-14): co-organizer
- Workshop Research Integrity at Paul Scherrer Institute: “Big data ethics”: invited expert (Villigen, May 16)
- Kickoff-Meeting of the NFP Big Data: “Big Data and Ethics – a framework“ (Bern, May 9): talk
- Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation: “Using “Big Data” in insurance. A lunchtime round-table on the upside and downside”: panelist (London, May 3): panelist
- EAB Meeting of the Human Brain Project: “An Evaluation System for the Ethical use of Autonomous Robotic Systems in Security Application“ (Bristol, March 29): talk
- Inaugural lecture (Antrittsvorlesung) University of Zürich: “Serious Moral Games – Mit digitalen Werkzeugen Moral verstehen und beeinflussen” (Zurich, March 18): talk
- Basler & Partner, Montags-Kolloquium Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft: “Ethische Herausforderungen für Unternehmen im Umgang mit Big Data“ (Zurich, March 13): talk
- Parlamentarier Dinner ‘parldigi’: “Digitalisierung der Politik: Chance oder Ende der Demokratie?“ (Bern, March 8): panelist
- Workshop “The Ethical use of Autonomous Robotic Systems in Security Applications” (Zurich, January 19-20): organizer
- Christen M: Contributor to the Workshop “Gezielte Veränderungen der Persönlichkeit mittels Hirneingriff und Würdeschutz“, Annual Meeting of the AEM (Bielefeld, September 22)
- Christen M: The emotional and moral flavor of epistemic values in science and art. Colloquium “Developing Virtues in the Practice of Science” (Notre Dame, September 1-3)
- Conference “Designing Moral Technologies – theoretical, practical and ethical issues” (Monte Verità / Ascona, July 10-15) (organizer)
- Christen M: The influence of color-manipulation on data interpretation in neuroimaging and geographic information visualization. Potsdam Visualization Workshop (Potsdam, May 20)
- Christen M: Führungsverantwortung und Ethik im Zeitalter der digitalisierten Kriegsführung – Cyberwar und «Drohnen». ETH Zürich Military Academy, ZAL 2: Leadership Responsibility (Birmensdorf, April 24)
Workshop Co-Utility: Markus Christen: Co-Utility through Serious Game based Training of Moral Competences in Finance (Tarragona, March 10-11 2016).
- Talk im Turm "Revolution der Rechner. Wie Big Data unser Leben verändert". Podiumsveranstaltung mit Markus Christen & Mike Martin (Zurich, January 18 2016)
- Projekt "Mensch nach Mass". Podiumsveranstaltung zu "Gehirndaten" mit Beatrix Rubin und Markus Christen & (January 12 2016)
- Workshop The genomics of human cognition and psychiatric disease (Geneva, December 9) Christen M: Ethical issues of big data driven research in brain-related diseases.
- Workshop “The transformation of war through information technology and its impact on humanitarian work” (Zurich, November 6-7). Introduction (organizer)
- Swiss Re, Big Data and Privacy Compliance in Insurance Roundtable (Zurich, October 27). Christen M: Ethical concepts and theories associated to privacy and data protection in the Big Data context
- Kompetenzzentrum Menschenrechte, Veranstaltungsreihe Das Recht auf Privatsphäre im digitalen Zeitalter: (Zurich, October 10). Christen M: Recht auf Vergessen und Privacy – grundsätzliche Überlegungen
- Annual Meeting of the International Neuroethics Society (Chicago, October 16). Christen M: The influence of color-manipulation on data interpretation in neuroimaging and geographic information visualization.
- Workshop “Privacy and Data Protection in the Human Brain Project”, HBP Summit 2015 (30.09., Madrid). Christen M: Ethical concepts and theories associated to privacy and data protection in the HBP
- ETH Zürich Military Academy, ZAL 2: Leadership Responsibility (Birmensdorf, September 24). Christen M: Führungsverantwortung und Ethik im (kommenden) Zeitalter semi-autonomer Waffensysteme – das Beispiel der „Drohnen“.
- Workshop “Compassion Week” (Eugene OR, August 06). Christen M / Alfano M: Moral Technologies.
- Joint conference of the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology and the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (University of Delaware, June 22-25 2015). Christen M, Domingo-Ferrer J, Herrmann D, van den Hoven J: Beyond Informed Consent – Investigating Ethical Justifications for Disclosing, Donating or Sharing Personal Data in Research
- Conference "Moral Progress: Concept, Measurement, and Application" (Amsterdam, 23-25 June 2015). Gutzwiller E, Christen M, Narvaez D: Cultural moral progress despite biological moral decline? – an empirical and ethical investigation of the notion of “moral progress”
- Conference "Clinical Neuroethics: Bench to Bedside", Paris, June 17-19. Participant in the panel "How Should We Address the Special Challenges of Using Neuroscience-based Therapies in the Developing Brains of Children and Adolescents?"
- Conference "Annual Meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology", New Orleans (April 2-4). Robinson B, Alfano M, Christen M: The Semantic Space of Intellectual Humility (talk).
- Conference "The Human Sciences after the Decade of the Brain – Perspectives on the Neuro-Turn in the Social Sciences and the Humanities, Mainz (March 30-31). Christen M, Bringedal B, Biller-Andorno N, Matsuzaki H, Rábano A: Strangers in neuroscientific research. On the role of social scientists and ethicists as advisors in ethical, legal and social aspects of the Human Brain Project (Talk)
- 6th Symposium of the Graduate School for Health Sciences Universität Bern, 27.11.2014, Münchenwiler, Switzerland). Christen M: How Health Sciences produce evidence: Some observations from the point of view of neuroethics.
- Conference "European Conference on Social Intelligence, ECIS 2014, Barcelona (03.-05.11.2014). Christen M, Alfano M, Robinson B: The Semantic Space of Intellectual Humility (talk)
- Workshop "Technology-mediated tragic decisions in military, cybersecurity, and humanitarian crises", Zürich (21.-22.10.2014). M Christen: Introduction (Organizer)
- Debunking-Argumente in der Moralphilosophie, Tübingen (03.-04.10.2014). Christen M: The neuroscience of ethics as a basis for moral behavior interventions? An assessment of moral enhancement
- NOLTA: 2014 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Luzern (14.-18.09.2014). Ott T, Eggel T, Christen M: Generating Low-Dimensional Denoised Embeddings of Nonlinear Data with Superparamagentic Agents.
- Lernexpedition Stiftung Risiko-Dialog “3D-Druck: Revolution in Technik, Recht und Medizin? Wird aus dem Werkzeug für den Prototy-penbau eine Technologie, mit der wir bald Organe drucken?“ (27. 08.2014, Winterthur). Christen M: Ethische Aspekte des Bioprinting (Vortrag).
- 22. European Conference on Information Systems, Tel Aviv (09.-11.06.2014). Christen M, Villano M, Narvaez D, Serrano J, Crowell CR: Measuring the moral impact of operating “drones” on pilots in combat disaster management, and surveillance.
- Workshop "The Ethics of Moral Technologies", Zürich (28.05.14). Christen M: Introduction
- ECCE HOMO Rahmenprogramm, Zürich (06.04.2014). Vortrag "Mensch 2.0 – ein Sozialroboter im Daten-Mahlstrom?"
- Zurich Salon "Limits and potential of neuroscience", Zurich (27.03.2014). Podiumsteilnehmer
- Human Brain Project. Meeting of the ELSA Committee, Institut Pasteur, Paris (26.-27.03.2014). Teilnehmer und Vice-Chair des Komitees.
- Workshop "Neuroethics and the Human Brain Project", Brocher Foundation, Geneva (24.-25.03.2014). Invited participant.
- Swiss Medical Students' Convention, Zürich (22.03.2014). Teilnehmer auf der Podiumsdiskussion "Du - ein Sklave deines Gehirns?"
- 7th International Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection, Brussels (22.-24.01.2014). Replacing Jeroen van den Hoven at the Panel "Privacy in Mobility and Location Data".
- Tagung "Digital Humanities: Neue Herausforderungen für den Forschungsplatz Schweiz", Bern (28.-29.11.2013). Christen M: Digital Humanities – von der Digitalisierung zur Simulation (talk).
- Experten-Workshop "Wandel von Autonomie und Kontrolle durch neue Mensch-Technik-Interaktion", Berlin (21.-22.11.2013). Markus Christen: Input-Vortrag.
- Society for Neuroscience, San Diego (09.-13.11.2013). Christen M: The neuroethical challenges of large-scale brain simulations (poster, also at INS)
- International Society of Neuroethics, San Diego (07.-08.11.2013): Christen M, Cabrera L, Ineichen C, Ott R: Teaching Neuroethics: The Zurich Spring and Summer School Experiences (poster). Satalkar P, Christen M: Defining and Defying Death: Making Sense of Brain Death and Cadaveric Organ Donation in India (poster). Molina-Luna P, Christen M, Brugger P, Regard M: Beyond Phineas Gage: Analyzing Morality in Frontal Lesion Patients (poster). Hughes J, Cabrera L, Ott R, Ineichen C, Christen M: Neuroenhancement: Mapping the importance of Ethical Considerations and Stakeholder Perspectives (poster).
- Association for Moral Education, Montréal (24.-26.10.2013). Christen M, Narvaez D, Tanner C, Ott T: Thesaurus-based value maps as an instrument for psychological research (talk) / Larme MC, Roof E, Godby O, Christen M, Narvaez D: A German-English comparison of Thesaurus-based value maps reveals underlying semantic structures of cultural moral differences (poster).
- Workshop on “Ubiquitous games and gamification for promoting behavior change and wellbeing”, Trento, Italy (16.09.2013). Christen M, Faller F, Götz U, Müller C: Serious Moral Games in Bioethics (talk)
- APA Annual Convention, Honolulu: (31.07.-04.08.2013). Christen M, Niederberger T, Ott T, Aebersold R, Aryobsei S, Hofstetter R. Comparing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Sorting of Enriched Micro-Texts by Humans and Machines (poster). Christen M, Lienhard F, Zehr M, Ineichen C, Narvaez D, Tanner C: Sphere and cultural-specific distinctions of moral and non-moral values (talk).
- Annual Meeting of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy, College Park (15.-17.07.2013). Christen M: The Neuroethical Challenges of Brain Simulations (talk).
- NDES 2013 (10.-12.07.2013, Bari). Ott T, Christen M, Niederberger T, Aebersold R, Aryobsei S, Hofstetter R (2013): A Semi-Supervised Learning System for Micro-Text Classification (talk)
- Society for Applied Philosophy, Annual Conference 2013, University of Zurich (28.-30.06.2013). Christen M, Ineichen C, Tanner C: How “Moral” are the Principles of Biomedical Ethics? (talk)
- The Jean Piaget Society 43rd Annual Meeting, Chicago (06.-08.06.2013). Fish A, Christen M, Denkhaus K, Guzman M, Lawrence A, Pruitt T, Thompson C, Narvaez D: Parenting Style Preferences, Parenting Style Experiences and Moral Identity: International Differences (poster).
- International Conference on Deep Brain Stimulation, Düsseldorf (30.-31.05.2013). Christen M, Ineichen C, Bittlinger M, Bothe H-W, Müller S: The practice of Deep Brain Stimulation – An international survey on clinical and ethical issues (talk). Müller S, Christen M (2013): Should Deep Brain Stimulation be offered to Parkinsonian patients with pedophilia? (Poster).
- Zurich Spring School in Neuroethics, University of Zurich (2.-5.04.2013): Organizer. See Website of the School.
- National Popular Culture Association & American Culture Association Annual Conference, Washington DC (27-30.03.13). Organized Panel Serious Moral Games – Assessing the Use of Video Games for Understanding and Influencing Human Morality. Including the talk: The Concept of a Serious Moral Game. Villano M, Christen M, Kacprowicz Z, Peterson E, Narvaez D (2013): Killing or Letting Die – Drone Dilemmas as an Instrument to Assess the Impact of the Virtualization of Warfare on Human Morality.
- Cognition, Brain, and Behavior Study Group Meeting, Psychology Department, University of Notre Dame (25.03.2013). Christen M: Thesaurus-based value maps as an instrument for psychological research (talk)
- Xenomelia. Neuropsychiatric and ethical aspects of healthy limb amputation (14.-15.03.2013, Zurich). Christen M: Ethical aspects of body modifications (talk).
- Research in Progress Seminar, Harvard Medical School (30.01.2013, Boston). Christen M: The practice of Deep Brain Stimulation – An update based on an international survey about clinical and ethical issues (talk).
- Working Seminar, Division of Medical Ethics, Harvard University (28.01.2013, Boston). Christen M. Serious Moral Games in Ethics - Video games as a tool for research and teaching (talk).
- Association for Moral Education (8.-11.11.2012, San Antonio). Christen M, Peterson E, Kacprowicz Z, Lawrence A, Narvaez D (2012): The Relation of Promotion/Prevention Motivation to Triune Ethics Identity (poster) & Christen M, Denkhaus K, Fish A, Lawrence A, Young J, Thompson C, Narvaez D (2012): Moral Identity Influences the Appreciation of Different Parenting Practices (poster).
- International Neuroethics Society Meeting, (11.-12.20.2012, New Orleans). Christen M, Bittlinger M, Ineichen C, Müller S (2012): The clinical and ethical practice of deep brain stimulation – results of an international survey of DBS experts (poster & talk).
- Society for Neuroscience Meeting 2012 (13.-17.10.2012, New Orleans). Christen M, Vitacco DA, Huber L, Brugger P, Harboe J (2012): Analyzing 14 years of neuroimaging display practice (poster)
- Invitation from the Philosophy Department, University of Alabama (10.10.2012, Birmingham, USA) Christen M: Measuring coherence and the topology of belief spaces: Ideas and Projects (talk).
- National Core for Neuroethics Seminar (09.08.2012), University of BC, Vancouver. Markus Christen: The Zurich Neuroethics Initiative. Projects and Ideas (talk).
- Seminar of research group Douglas Medin, Northwestern University (13.07.2012, Evanston, USA). Christen M: A few thoughts about similarity and sorting (talk).
- Complexity and Human Experience:Modeling Complexity in the Humanities and Social Sciences (30.05.-01.06.2012), Charlotte. Markus Christen: Population and Temptation Density Determine the Effect of Social Strategies on Moral Hypocrisy in a Virtual Society (talk).
- 12th Experimental Chaos and Complexity Conference (16.-19.05.2012), Ann Arbor. Markus Christen & Thomas Ott: A superparamagnetic agent map of science (poster).
- Character - an interdisciplinary panel (03.04.12), Notre Dame. Markus Christen: Measuring character change in neuroscience (talk).
- American Philosophical Association Meeting 2012, Central Division (15.-18.02.2012), Chicago. Markus Christen: Shiny Moral People. A Modeling Approach towards Understanding Moral Hypocrisy within a Virtula Society (talk).
- International Neuroethics Society meeting (10./11.06.11), Washington DC. Markus Christen, Marianne Regard, Peter Brugger: The „immoral patient“ – analyzing the role of brain lesion patients in moral research (poster & accepted abstract for AJOB-N)
- Schlussworkshop "Farbeinsatz im Neuroimaging" (30.6./01.07.11), Zürich. Markus Christen: Präsentation der Forschungsergebnisse (interner Workshop)
- Conference "What Makes us Moral" (23./24.06.2011), Amsterdam. Markus Christen & Thomas Ott: Quantified coherence of moral beliefs as a predictive factor for moral agency (talk).
- NEH Summer Institute "Digital Humanities" (01.-17.06.2011), Charlotte. Workshop participant. Markus Christen: A Model of Moral Hypocracy as a Model of how to learn agent-based modelling (talk).
- ECPR Joint Sessions (13.-16.04.2011), St Gallen. Daniel Schwarz, Markus Christen, Thomas Ott: Why Do Parties Split? A New Measure of Party Coherence Based on the Belief Systems of Party Members in Switzerland and the United States (talk)
- IBME Kolloquium (10.03.2011), Zürich: Markus Christen: An Ethical Evaluation of Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease (talk)
- Expert Workshop (20./21.01.2011), Bonn: Deep Brain Stimulation in Psychiatrie. Guidance for responsible research and application. Invited participant.
- AEM-Tagung "Menschenbilder in der (Medizin-)Ethik" (24.-26.09.2009), Berlin. Markus Christen, Marianne Regard: Der unmoralische Patient: Eine kritische Analyse des Einsatzes hirnverletzter Personen in der empirischen Moralforschung (Vortrag).
- Konferenz "Moral Responsibility: Neuroscience, organization & engineering (24.-27.08.2009), Delft. Markus Christen: The responsibility-gap in self-organized social systems: can empirical approaches in modeling social science and neuroeconomics help to close it? (Vortrag)
- Fortbildungsveranstaltung Psychiatrische Dienste Aargau (20.08.09): Von einer neurowissenschaftlich inspirierten Psychiatrie zu moral enhancement? (Vortrag).
- Konferenz „The Role of the University in Our Time. The Legacy of Joseph Ben David as a Guideline for Today's Challenges.” (21.-26.07.2009), Monte Verità: Co-Organisator.
- NDES 2009 (21.-23.06.2009), Rapperswil. Markus Christen, T. Starostina, Daniel Schwarz, Thomas Ott: A spin-based measure of the coherence of belief systems (Vortrag). Co-Organisator.
- Symposium "Ethiktransfer in Organisationen des Gesundheitswesens am Beispiel des Kinderspitals Zürich (28.05.2009), Zürich: Markus Christen: Ist geteilte Verantwortung möglich? (Vortrag)
- 60. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (27.05.2009), Münster. Markus Christen: Das Konzept "moral agency" und Tiefe Hirnstimulation (Vortrag)
- Veranstaltungsreihe "Moralität, ein Innen- oder Außenfaktor?“ (14.04.2009), Hamburg. Markus Christen: Eine Neurobiologie der Moral? Fragen an ein aktuelles Projekt (Vortrag & Diskussion).
- Science and Technology in Society Conference (28./29.03.2009), Washington. Markus Christen, Ina Kaufmann, Svenja Matusall: Disciplinary Dynamics in Emerging Social Neurosciences and Neuroecononomics (Vortrag).
- Öffentliche Veranstaltung "Bedroht die Hirnforschung unser Menschenbild?" (16.02.2009) der Neuen Helvetischen Gesellschaft, Bern. Podiumsteilnehmer.
- Startworkshop des SAMW-Projektes "Auswirkungen der Tiefen Hirnstimulation (DBS) auf die moral agency: Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Problemerfassung und -validierung" (12.12.2008). Markus Christen: Ein empirischer Rahmen für die Erfassung von moral agency (Vortrag).
- Vorlesungsreihe "Neurowissenschaften und Bioethik" (04.11.2008), Tübingen. Markus Christen: Methodenkritik der Neurowissenschaft am Beispiel der Bildgebung und empirischen Moralforschung (Abendvortrag)
- Workshop "On the ethical and philosophical relevance of neuroscience" (03.-05.10.2008), Bonn. Workshop-Teilnehmer.
- Summer School Graduiertenprogramm: „Methodologie II: Ethische Urteilsfindung, Verhältnis angewandte Ethik zu Moraltheorien und Fallstudien” (28.07-02.08.2008), Uebersdorf FR (Teilnehmer).
- Tagung: "Identität: Vergessen und Gedächtnis. Moderne Perspektiven aus den Neurowissenschaften oder neuer Wein in alten Schläuchen?" (17.-20.07.2008), Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio, Italien (Disputant).
- International Workshop on Neuroethics (07.06.2008), Aachen. Markus Christen & Johannes Fischer: What do neural correlates of moral judgments reveal on moral agency? (Vortrag).
- Constantin von Monakow Zyklus (12.04.2008), Zürich. Markus Christen: Ein biologisches Gewissen? Anmerkungen aus ethischer Sicht. (Vortrag).
- European Spring Event on Neuroethics 2008 (15.03.2008), Ludwigshafen. Markus Christen: Autonomy and Moral Agency. Is the Brain More than a Complex System? (Vortrag).
- Symposium Hirnforschung - Chancen und Risiken für das Recht (04.03.2008): Moderation der Podiumsdiskussion (mit Daniel Hell, Gerhard Roth, Marcel Senn und Brigitte Tag).
- STS Meeting 2008 (07. - 09.02.2008), ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Dorothée Baumann, Markus Christen: The art of brain imaging (Vortrag). Jan-Christoph Heilinger, Markus Christen: The condition of informed consent regarding technical interventions in the brain (Vortrag).
- Tagung: „Wenn Gehirn und Computer verschmelzen“ (7.-9.12.2007), Evangelische Akademie Iserlohn. Markus Christen: Technisierung von Körper und Seele. Was bleibt menschlich am Menschen? (Vortrag)
- BMBF-Klausurwoche: „Die Technisierung des Gehirns“ (16.-23.09.2007), Freiburg: Technisierte moral agents? Mögliche Wechselwirkungen zwischen einer „Neurobiologie der Moral“ und dem therapeutischen Einsatz von Neurotechnologien (Vortrag)
- Summer School Graduiertenprogramm: „Themen und Fragen der Methodologie im Kontext der Ethik” (27.08-01.09.2007), Uebersdorf FR (Teilnehmer).
- 15th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Philosophy and Psychology (09.-12.07.2007), Genf. Markus Christen, Adrian Jaeggi, Ina Kaufmann, Svenja Matusall, Nicole Miller, Claudia Rudolf von Rohr: Naturalizing moral agency - prospects and perils (Poster)
- Forschungskolloquium „Der moral agent. Dimensionen seiner Entwicklung“ (22.-23.06.2007), Zürich (Teilnehmer)
- Schweizer Ethikertreffens (06.06.2007), Fribourg: Präsentation SNF-Projekt
- Experten-Seminar "Die Verselbständigung des Computers" (23.-24.04.2007), Zürich (Teilnahme als Experte)
- Ringvorlesung "Einblicke in die Seele und ihre Aktivitäten" (Volkshochschule Zürich, 08.11.06): Gehirn ohne Seele? Hirnforschung und das Geistige (Vortrag),
- Symposium „Hirnforschung und Menschenbild“ (12.-14.10. 2006), Fribourg: Teilnahme an öffentlicher Podiumsdiskussion
- Workshop “Potentials of Complexity Science for Business, Governments, and the Media” (03.-05.08. 2006), Collegium Budapest. Markus Christen, Georges Bongard, Attila Pausitz, Nobert Stoop, Ruedi Stoop: From small world to hierarchic business information networks by reogrnaizations – a real word study of a failure (Talk).
- AIMS 2006. Sixth International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications (25.-28. June 2006), Poitiers, France. Markus Christen, Thomas Ott, and Ruedi Stoop: Computation in olfactory systems beyond synchronization (Talk).
- Forschungskolloquium Grundlage moralischer Orientierung (16.-17. June 2006), Zürich, Switzerland Markus Christen: Autonomie und moral agency aus Sicht der Neurowissenschaft. Versucht einer Klarstellung (Talk).
- Symposium der Schweizerischen Philosophischen Gesellschaft: Was ist Philosophie (19.-20. 05. 2006), Neuenburg: Autonomie – eine Aufgabe für die Philosophie (Talk).
- From Quanta to Life: Honoring the contributions by Willi-Hans Steeb to the world of mathematics and physics (18.-22.12.2005), Klosters, Schweiz: Lempel-Ziv in neuronal systems (Talk).
- Forschungskolloquium "Grundlagen moralischer Orientierung" (09.-10.12. 2005) Zürich: Abklärung des möglichen Beitrags der Neurowissenschaft und der Verhaltensforschung zum Verständnis moralischer Orientierung (Talk).
- Vortrag im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe „Kosmos Gehirn“ der St.Gallischen naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (09.11.2005), St. Gallen, Schweiz: Das Gehirn als Vorbild und Objekt für Technologie – historische Wurzeln und kommende Szenarien (Talk).
- ZNZ-symposium (21.10.2005), Zürich: Markus Christen, Alister Nicol, Keith Kendrick, Thomas Ott, and Ruedi Stoop: Odors lead to stable neuron relations beyond synchronization (Poster).
- Rhenaphotonics Bio-Opto 2005 conference (28.09.2005) Paris, France: What is neuroinformatics – and how can it be useful for biophotonics (Talk).
- NDES 2005. Nonlinear Dynamics in Electronic Systems (18.-22.09.2005), Potsdam, Germany: Neuronal long-tails revisited (Poster).
- Departementskolloquium Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte Berlin (08.02.2005): Spike patterns” als Träger neuronaler Information - Ursprung und Ausbreitung des „temporal coding“ in der Hirnforschung (Talk)
- NOLTA 2004. International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Application (29.11.-03.12.2004), Fukuoka, Japan. Markus Christen, Thomas Ott, and Ruedi Stoop: Spike train clustering using a Lempel-Ziv distance measure (Talk).
- ZNZ-symposium (15.10.2004), Zurich: Markus Christen, Thomas Ott, and Ruedi Stoop: Spike train clustering using a Lempel-Ziv distance measure (Poster).
- ISCAS 2004. IEEE International Society of Circuits and Systems (23.-26.05.2004), Vancouver, Canada. Markus Christen, Albert Kern, Jan-Jan van der Vyver and Ruedi Stoop: Pattern detection in noisy signals (Talk).
- Wissenschaft kontrovers: Ist nun plötzlich alles nano? (10.05.2004): Zwischenrufer.
- ZNZ-symposium (17.10.2003), Zurich: Markus Christen, Albert Kern, Thomas Ott, Ruedi Stoop: Recognizing and classifying temporal patterns in neuronal spike trains (Poster).
- Tagung: Artifizielle Körper - lebendige Technik. Zur Geschichte der Biomedizin und Biotechnologie (20.-22.06.2003), Zurich: Markus Christen: Der Einbau von Technik in das Gehirn. Das Wechselspiel von Informationsbegriffen und Technologieentwicklung am Beispiel des Hörens (Talk).
- NDES 2003. Nonlinear Dynamics in electronic systems (19.-21.05.2003), Scuol, Switzerland: Member of organizing team.
- Complexity 2003. Complex Behavior in Economics (07.-11.05.2003), Aix-en-Provence, France: Markus Christen, Ruedi Stoop: Limiting complexity and enabling autonomy in public administrations (Talk).
- Ethics and the European Space (03.-09-04.2003), Les Treilles, France: Markus Christen: How neuroscience impacts ethics (Talk)
- Seminar "Der Mensch geht, der Roboter kommt", Universität Basel (Andreas Brenner): Gastvortrag: Maschinenautonomie. Überlegungen zum "Selbst" eines Roboters.
- ZNZ-symposium (19.10.2001), Zurich: Markus Christen, Albert Kern, Ruedi Stoop: BDS-test as a benchmark for noise-cleaning (Poster). / Ruedi Stoop, Stefano Lecchini, Markus Christen, Jan-Jan van der Vyver: An integral, thermo-dynamic-formalism based measure of dynamical complexity (Poster).
- PhD-retreat of the Center of Neuroscience Zurich (03.-05.05.2001), Valens: Markus Christen, Ruedi Stoop: The concept of complexity in neuroscience (Poster)