Untenstehend können die chronologisch geordneten, wissenschaftlichen Publikationen von Markus Christen heruntergeladen werden. Nebenstehend ist die Klassifikation beschrieben, gemäss welcher die einzelnen Beiträge zugeordnet wurden. Bei den Beiträgen "In Vorbereitung / Im Druck" ist jeweils die aktuellste Version des Manuskripts verfügbar.
Alle in Breitenmedien erschienenen Artikel sind nicht hier, sondern im Bereich Journalismus aufgelistet.
Betreffend Copyright gehe ich davon aus, dass ich das Recht habe, eigene Beiträge auf einer privaten Homepage zu publizieren. Sollten die involvierten Verlage das anders sehen, dann sollen sich diese bei mir melden. Ich werde dann gegebenenfalls einen Passwort-Schutz bei den beanstandeten Beiträgen einführen.
AKTUALISIERUNG: Aus Copyright-Gründen werden bis auf weiteres keine Beiträge mehr hochgeladen.
- Peer-reviewed (Journal-, Proceeding- oder Buchbeitrag mit Peer-Review).
- Invited (Eingeladener Buch- oder Zeitschrift-beitrag).
- Book (Buch oder Herausgeberschaft).
- Abstract (veröffentlichter Konferenzbeitrag)
- Book review (Rezension)
- Working paper (nur hier veröffentlichter Beitrag).
Peer reviewed: Christen M, Kneer M (2024): Mensch-Maschine-Kooperation im Sicherheitsbereich: Wer ist verantwortlich? Stratos - Militärwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Schweizer Armee, in press
Peer reviewed: Pierrès O, Darvishy A, Christen M (2024): Exploring the role of generative AI in higher education: semi-structured interviews with students with disabilities. Education and Information Technologies, accepted
Peer reviewed: Kneer M, Christen M (2024): Responsibility Gaps and Retributive Dispositions: Evidence from the U.S., Japan and Germany. Science and Engineering Ethics, in press
Peer reviewed: Pierrès O, Christen M, Schmitt-Koopmann F, Darvishy A (2024): Could the Use of AI in Higher Education Hinder Students with Disabilities? A Scoping Review IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3365368, in press
Peer reviewed: Burri T, Christen M, Beck J, Trusilo D (2024): Eight Recommendations for Ethical and Legal Assess-ments of Robotic Systems Interacting with Humans. In: Barfield W, Pagallo U, Weng Y-H (eds), Re-search Handbook on the Law, Regulation, and Policy of Human Robot Interaction, CUP, 2024 (pp. 465-483), Available at SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4437806
Peer reviewed: Ineichen C, Vogel H, Christen M (2024): Klinische und ethische Aspekte der Neuromodulation. In: Erbguth F, Jox RJ (eds.): Angewandte Ethik der Neuromedizin, 2. Aufl., Springer
Working Paper: Burri T, Beck J, Fleuret F, Kandul S, Kneer M, Micheli V, Christen M (2024): Der menschliche Umgang mit Künstlicher Intelligenz und deren Regulierung
Working Paper: Bernstein A, Cordoba A, Witt C, Siegers D, Wessels D, Thouvenin F, Hastings J, Hatt J-M, Buhmann J, Martinez Moreno J, Schawinski K, Christen M, Coors M, Denner M, Hunger P, von Thiessen R, Fabri-kant S, Friemel T, Neupert T, Sachs U (2024): KI in Bildung, Forschung und Innovation
Peer reviewed: Alfawzan N, Christen M (2023): The Future of FemTech Ethics & Privacy – a Global Perspective. BMC Medical Ethics 24, Article number: 88
Peer reviewed: Kandul S, Micheli V, Beck J, Burri T, Fleuret F, Kneer M, Christen M (2023): Human control redressed: Comparing AI and human predictability in a real-effort task. Computers in Human Behavior Reports 10, 100290, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chbr.2023.100290
Peer reviewed: Christen M, Burri T, Kandul S, Vörös P (2023): Who is controlling whom? Reframing “Meaningful Human Control” of AI systems in security. Ethics and Information Technology 25, 10.
Peer reviewed: Pierrès O, Darvishy A, Christen M (2023): AI in Higher Education: Ethical Concerns for Students with Disabilities. In: Proceedings of the European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF'23), Winterthur, Switzerland, June 7-9.
Invited: Knieps M, Meyer P, Métille S, Christen M (2023): La cybersécurité: entre autonomie et soutien éta-tique. Plaidoyer 04/2023 (05.07.2023)
Invited: Manríquez Roa T, Christen M, Reis A, Biller-Andorno A (2023): The pursuit of health equity in the era of artificial intelligence. Swiss Medical Weekly 153, 40062, doi:10.4414/SMW.2023.40062
Invited: Bringedal B, Christen M, Domingo-Ferrer J (2023): Some Thoughts on Advising on Ethics in the Hu-man Brain Project (HBP). In: Bitsch L (ed.) Ethics and Society in Brain Research. Implementing Re-sponsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the Human Brain Project. HBP, 49-52. Available online on: https://zenodo.org/record/7736402#.ZBgkRR-ZNhF
Invited: Burri T, Christen M (2023): Ethische und rechtliche Herausforderungen autonomer KI-Systeme im Si-cherheitsbereich. Stratos 01/23, 94-100.
Invited: Christen M, Vörös P (2023): Welche autonomen Roboter braucht die Schweizer Armee? Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift 03/2023, S. 34-36
Invited: Christen M, Knieps M, Inversini R: (2023): Prävention und Abwehr von Cyberangriffen (3 Teile); Insi-deIT. 26. September, 02. Oktober, 09. Oktober 2023. Zugänglich unter: https://www.dsi.uzh.ch/de/current/news/2023/praevention-abwehr-cyberangriffe-serie.html
Working Paper: Biller-Andorno N, Christen M, Krauthammer M, Witt C (eds.) (2023): Artificial Intelligence in Medicine – Objectives and Recommendations for the Responsible Use of Digital Twins. DSI Strategy Lab, Posi-tion Paper, June 2023; available at: https://www.dsi.uzh.ch/de/research/projects/strategy-lab/strategy-lab-22.html
Working Paper: Agrawal V, Kandul S, Kneer M, Christen M (2023): From OECD to India: Exploring cross-cultural dif-ferences in perceived trust, responsibility and reliance of AI and human experts. arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2307.15452
Peer reviewed: Iqbal J, Christen M (2022): The use of AI applications in medicine and the standard required for healthcare provider-patient briefings – an exploratory study. Digital Health, accepted.
Peer reviewed: Alfawzan N, Christen M, Spitale G, Biller-Andorno N (2022): Privacy, Data Sharing, and Data Security Policies of Women’s mHealth Apps: A Scoping Review and Content Analysis. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 10(5): e33735
Peer reviewed: Wang N, Christen M, Hunt M, Biller-Andorno N (2022): Supporting Value Sensitivity in the Humanitarian Use of Drones through An Ethical Assessment Framework. International Review of the Red Cross, 104 (919), 1397–1428
Peer reviewed: Tanner C, Schmocker D, Katsarov J, Christen M (2022): Educating moral sensitivity in business: An experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of a serious game. Computer & Education, in press, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2021.104381
Peer reviewed: Müller S, van Oosterhout A, Bervoets C, Christen M, Martínez-Álvarez R, Bittlinger M (2022): Concerns about psychiatric neurosurgery and how they can be overcome: Recommendations for responsible research. Neuroethics 15, 6
Peer reviewed: Tolmeijer S, Christen M, Kandul S, Kneer M, Bernstein A (2022): Capable but Amoral? Comparing AI and Human Expert Collaboration in Ethical Decision Making. 2022 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'22), https://doi.org/10.1145/3491102.3517732
Invited: Christen M, Knieps M, Inversini R (2022). Cybersicherheit in der Schweiz braucht einen besseren rechtlichen Rahmen. Kriminalistik 76(5), 305-308
White Paper: Burri T, Christen M (2022): Rechtliche und ethische Dimensionen der Robotik im Sicherheitsbereich / Legal and ethical dimensions of robotics in the security sector (July, 2022). Universität Zürich, Digital Society Initiative. Verfügbar auf SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4164188
White Paper: Viganò E, Christen M, Elger BS, Ienca M, Loi M, Schneble C, Burri M, Hauser C, Shaw D (2022) Ethi-cal, Legal and Social Issues of Big Data – a Comprehensive Overview. White Paper of the ELSI Task Force for the National Research Programme “Big Data” (NRP 75), Available at SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4081192
Peer-reviewed: Wang N, Christen M, Hunt M, Biller-Andorno N (2022): Supporting Value Sensitivity in the Humani-tarian Use of Drones through An Ethical Assessment Framework. International Review of the Red Cross, accepted
Peer-reviewed: Tanner C, Schmocker D, Katsarov J, Christen M (2021): Educating moral sensitivity in business: An experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of a serious game. Computer & Education, in press
Peer-reviewed: Müller S, van Oosterhout A, Bervoets C, Christen M, Martínez-Álvarez R, Bittlinger M (2021): Con-cerns about psychiatric neurosurgery and how they can be overcome: Recommendations for responsible research. Neuroethics, accepted
Peer-reviewed: Schmocker D, Tanner C, Katsarov J, Christen M (2021): Moral sensitivity in business: A revised measure. Current Psychology, online first: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-01926-x
Peer-reviewed: Wang N, Christen M, Hunt, M (2021): Ethical Considerations Associated with “Humanitarian Drones”: A Scoping Literature Review. Science and Engineering Ethics 27:51 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-021-00327-4.
Peer-reviewed: Eichinger T, Katsarov J, Biller-Andorno N, Schmocker D, Christen M (2021): uMed: Your Choice – Ein digitales Spiel für das Ethik-Training im Medizinstudium. Bioethica Forum, accepted
Peer-reviewed: Loi M, Christen M (2021): Choosing how to discriminate: navigating ethical trade-offs in fair algo-rithmic design for the insurance sector. Philosophy & Technology, in press. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13347-021-00444-9
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Narvaez D, Zenk JD, Villano M, Crowell CD, Moore DR (2021): Trolley Dilemma in the Sky: Context Matters When Civilians and Cadets Make Remotely Piloted Aircraft Decisions. PloS One, 16(3): e0247273. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0247273.
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Brugger P, Fabrikant SI (2021): Susceptibility of domain experts to color manipulation in-dicate a need for design principles in data visualization. PLoS ONE 16(2): e0246479.
White Paper: Thouvenin F, Christen M, Bernstein A, Braun Binder N, Burri T, Donnay K, Jäger L, Jaffé M, Kraut-hammer M, Lohmann M, Mätzener A, Mützel S, Obrecht L, Ritter N, Spielkamp M, Volz S (2021): Po-sitionspapier Ein Rechtsrahmen für Künstliche Intelligenz. Digital Society Initiative, November 2021.
White Paper: Katsarov J, Hänni O, Christen M, Gerber AU, Eichinger T (2021): uMed: Your Choice. Handbuch für Lehrpersonen (Version 4). Universität Zürich, IBME
Peer-reviewed: Loi M, Christen M, Hauser C. Highway to (digital) surveillance: when are clients coerced to share their data with insurers? (2020): Journal of Business Ethics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-020-04668-1
Peer-reviewed: Tolmeijer S, Kneer M, Sarasua C, Christen M, Bernstein A (2020): Implementations in Machine Ethics: A Survey. ACM Computing Surveys, in press
Peer-reviewed: Christen M (2020): The hidden dilemmas of cybersecurity practitioners. European Public Mosaic (EPuM) Open Journal on Public Service. 59-71.
Invited: Weber K, Christen M, Herrmann D (2020): Bedrohung, Verwundbarkeit, Werte und Schaden. Cyberattacken und Cybersicherheit als Thema der Technikfolgenabschätzung. Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis (TATuP) 29(1), 11-15
Peer-reviewed: Katsarov J, Biller-Andorno N, Eichinger T, Schmocker D, Christen M (2020): uMed: Your Choice – Conception of a Digital Game to Enhance Medical Ethics Training. In Groen M, Kiel N, Tillmann A, Weßel A (eds.): Games and Ethics, Springer, Wiesbaden, 197-212
Invited: Ineichen C, Christen M (2020): Neuromodulation of the “moral brain” – evaluating bridges between neural foundations of moral capacities and normative aims of the intervention. In: Holtzman GS, Hildt E (eds.): Does Neuroscience Have Normative Implications? Springer, 165-185.
Peer-reviewed: Loi M, Heitz C, Christen M (2020): A Comparative Assessment and Synthesis of Twenty Ethics Codes on AI and Big Data. Proceedings of the Swiss Conference on Data Science SDS|2020, June 26 2020. DOI 10.1109/SDS49233.2020.00015
Invited: Alfano M, Christen M (2020): A framework for understanding and evaluating moral technologies. In: Salardi S, Saporit M (eds.): Le tecnologie 'morali' emergenti e le sfide etico-giuridiche delle nuove soggettività. Torino: G. Giappichelli Editore, 1-21
Book: Christen M, Mader C, Čas J, Abou-Chadi T, Bernstein A, Braun Binder N, Dell’Aglio D, Fábián L, George D, Gohdes A, Hilty L, Kneer M, Krieger-Lamina J, Licht H, Scherer A, Som C, Sutter P, Thouvenin D (2020): Wenn Algorithmen für uns entscheiden: Chancen und Risiken der künstlichen Intelligenz. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG
White Paper: Christen M, Heitz C, Kleiber T, Loi M (2020): A code of ethics for data-based value creation. (4-sprachig). Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services, www.data-service-alliance.ch/codex; ISBN 978-3-9522703-3-2
Book: Christen M, Gordijn B, Loi M (eds.). The Ethics of Cybersecurity. Springer, in press
Peer-reviewed: Loi M, Christen M. Ethical frameworks for cybersecurity. In: Christen M, Gordijn B, Loi M (eds.). The Ethics of Cybersecurity. Springer, in press, 73-96
- Peer-reviewed: Kirichenko A, Christen M, Grunow F, Herrmann D (2020): Best Practices and Recommendations for Cybersecurity Service Providers. In: Christen et al., The Ethics of Cybersecurity, Springer, in press, 299-316
Peer-reviewed: Schmocker D, Tanner C, Christen M, Katsarov J (2019): An Advanced Measure of Moral Sensitivity in Business. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, online first: https://doi.org/10.1027/1015-5759/a000564
Peer-reviewed: Loi M, Christen M (2019): Two concepts of group privacy. Philosophy & Technology, online first: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13347-019-00351-0
Peer-reviewed: Narvaez D, Woodbury R, Gleason T, Kurth A, Cheng A, Wang L, Deng L, Gutzwiller E, Christen M, Naeflin C (2019): Evolved Development Niche Provision: Moral socialization, social maladaptation and social thriving in three countries. Sage Open, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244019840123
Peer-reviewed: Loi M, Christen M, Kleine N, Weber K (2019): Cybersecurity in health – disentangling value tensions. Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society 17(2), 229-245; DOI: 10.1108/JICES-12-2018-0095
Peer-reviewed: Loi M, Heitz C, Ferrariro A, Schmid A, Christen M (2019): Towards an Ethical Code for Data-Based Business. Proceedings of the Swiss Conference on Data Science SDS|2019, June 14 2019. Available at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8789855
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Blumer H, Hauser C, Huppenbauer M (2019): The ethics of Big Data applications in the consumer sector. In: Braschler M, Stadelmann T, Stockinger K(eds.): Applied Data Science - Lessons Learned for the Data-Driven Business. Springer, 161-180
Invited: Burri T, Christen M (2019): Ethik und völkerrechtliche Aspekte autonomer Waffen- und Sicherheitssysteme. Rechtliche und demokratische Hintergründe des Schemas zur ethischen Beurteilung autonomer Systeme im Sicherheitsbereich. In: Unger S, Ungern-Sternberg A (eds.): Demokratie und künstliche Intelligenz. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 215-232
Invited: Christen M (2019): How does the digitalization of science affect scientific virtues? In: Deane-Drummond C, Stapleford TA, Narvaez D (eds.): Virtue and the Practice of Science: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Center for Theology, Science, and Human Flourishing. Available on https://virtueandthepracticeofscience.pressbooks.com/chapter/does-the-digitalization-of-science-affect-scientific-virtues/
Invited: Loi M, Christen M (2019): Big Data and the Morality of Inclusion. Forthcoming in: Progressive Politics? Feltrinelli, Milano. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3327281
Invited: Loi M, Christen M (2019): How to include ethics in machine learning research. ERCIM News 116 (January 2019), 5
Peer-reviewed: Iurino K, Robinson B, Christen M, Stey P, Alfano M (2018): Constructing and Validating a Scale of Inquisitive Curiosity. In: Inan I, Watson L, Whitcomb D, Yigit S (eds): The Moral Psychology of Curiosity. Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield International, 100-120
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Guillaume, M, Jablonowski, M, Lenhart P, Moll K (2018): Drohnen als Partner im Luft-raum. Rahmenbedingungen für eine Regulierung des zivilen Drohnenwesens. Zeitschrift für Technikfol-genabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis 03/18: in press
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Gloor M (2018): Ethische Relevanz und faktische Mängel in der Kommunikation ethisch relevanter Aspekte von Spezifika der Organspende nach Kreislaufstillstand. Ethik in der Medizin 30(4), 343-361
Peer-reviewed: Christen M (2018): Comparing cultural differences with domain-specific differences of appreciating and understanding values. Journal of Moral Education, in press; https://doi.org/10.1080/03057240.2018.1469477
Peer-reviewed: Müller S, Bittlinger M, Brukamp K, Christen M, Friedrich O, Gruber M-C, Leefmann J, Merkel G, Nagel SK, Stier M, Jox RJ (2018): Neuroethik - Geschichte, Definition und Gegenstandsbereich eines neuen Wissenschaftsgebiets. Ethik in der Medizin, in press; https://doi.org/10.1007/s00481-018-0477-9
Peer-reviewed: Seifert A, Christen M, Martin M (2018): Willingness of Older Adults to Share Mobile Health Data with Researchers. GeroPsych, 31(1), 41-49. doi: 10.1024/1662-9647/a000181
Peer-reviewed: Katsarov J, Christen M (2018): Promoting the Moral Sensitivity of Police and Military Personnel. In: Olsen OK, Waaler G (eds.): NECESSE 3(1): 114-120 [Special Issue on Operational Morals, Royal Norwegian Naval Academy]
Book: Christen M, Guillaume M, Jablonowski M, Lenhart P, Moll K (2018): Zivile Drohnen – Herausforde-rungen und Perspektiven. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG
Invited: Weber K, Kleine N, Loi M, Christen M (2018): Digital medicine, cybersecurity and ethics: An uneasy relationship. American Journal of Bioethics 18(9): 52-53. DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2018.1498935
Invited: Christen M, Katsarov J (2018): Serious Moral Games – Videospiele als Werkzeuge der Ethikbildung. In: Junge T, Schumacher C (Hrsg.): Digitale Spiele im Diskurs. URL: www.medien-im-diskurs.de
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Alfano M, Robinson B (2017): A Cross-Cultural Assessment of the Semantic Dimensions of Intellectual Humility. AI & Society, e-pub first; https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-017-0791-7
Peer-reviewed: Alfano M, Iurino K, Robinson B, Stey P, Yu, Feng, Christen M, Lapsley D (2017): Development and Validation of a Multi-dimensional Measure of Intellectual Humility. PLoS One, 12(8): e0182950
Peer-reviewed: Katsarov J, Christen M, Schmocker D, Tanner C, Mauerhofer R (2017): Training Moral Sensitivity Through Video Games – A Review of Suitable Game Mechanisms. Games and Culture, 1-23
Peer-reviewed: Ineichen C, Christen M, Tanner C (2017): Measuring Value Sensitivity in Medicine. BMC Medical Ethics 18(1): 5
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Domingo-Ferrer J, Herrmann D, van den Hoven J (2017): Beyond Informed Consent – Investigating Ethical Justifications for Disclosing, Donating or Sharing Personal Data in Research. In: Powers, TM (ed.): Philosophy and Computing. Springer, 193-207
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Bangerter E (2017): Is Cyberpeace possible? In: Demont-Biaggi F (ed.): The Nature of Peace and the Morality of Armed Conflict, Palgrave: 243-263
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Gordijn B, Weber K, van de Poel I, Yaghmaei E (2017): A Review of Value-Conflicts in Cybersecurity. Proceedings of CEPE/ETHICOMP 2017 (June 5-8 2017). Reprinted in in Orbit, 05/06/2017.
Peer-reviewed: Bringedal B, Christen M, Biller-Andorno N, Matsuzaki H, Rábano A (2017): Strangers in neuroscientific research. On being advisors in ethical, legal, social and philosophical aspects of the Human Brain Project. In: Leefmann J, Hildt E (eds.): The Human Sciences after the Decade of the Brain. Elsevier: 249-272
Invited: Ineichen C, Christen M (2017): Hypo- and hyperagentic psychiatric states, next-generation closed loop DBS and the question of agency. AJOB Neuroscience 8(2): 77-79
Invited: Christen M, Müller S (2017): The Ethics of Expanding Applications of Deep Brain Stimulation. In: Rommelfanger K, Johnson S (eds.): Routledge Handbook of Neuroethics. Routledge, New York, 51-65
Book: Christen M, Müller S (eds.) (2017): The Clinical and Ethical Practice of Neuromodulation – Deep Brain Stimulation and Beyond. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-373-3
White Paper: Christen M, Burri T, Chapa J, Salvi R, Santoni de Sio F, Sullins J (2017): An Evaluation Schema for the Ethical Use of Autonomous Robotic Systems in Security Applications, November 1 2017, UZH Digital Society Initiative White Paper Series No. 1, University of Zurich. Available at SSRN
White Paper: Yaghmaei E, van de Poel I, Christen M, Gordijn B, Kleine N, Loi M, Morgan G, Weber K (2017): Cy-bersecurity and Ethics. CANVAS White Paper 1. Available at SSRN
Report: Hauser C, Blumer H, Christen M, Hilty L, Huppenbauer M, Kaiser T (2017): Ethische Herausforderun-gen für Unternehmen im Umgang mit Big Data. Schweizerische Akademie der Technischen Wissenschaften SATW; available at SATW
Peer-reviewed: Brugger P, Christen M, Jellestad L, Hänggi J (2016): Limb amputation and other disability desires as a medical condition. Lancet Psychiatry 3(12): 1176–1186
Invited: Christen M, Katsarov J (2016): Moral Sensitivity as a Precondition of Moral Distress. AJOB Neurosci-ence 16(12): 19-21
Peer-reviewed: Hunt M, Pringle J, Christen M, Eckenwiler L, Schwartz L, Davé A: Ethics of innovative information and communication technology applications in medical humanitarian action. International Health 8: 239-245
Invited: Christen M, Ineichen C, Tanner C: „Moralische Intelligenz“ in der klinischen Praxis. Praxis – Schweizerische Rundschau für Medizin 105(21): 1261-1266
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Narvaez D, Gutzwiller E: Comparing and integrating biological and cultural moral progress. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. DOI 10.1007/s10677-016-9773-y
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Domingo-Ferrer J, Draganski B, Spranger T, Walter H (2016): On the compatibility of Big Data driven research and informed consent based on traditional disease categories – the example of the Human Brain Project. L Floridi, B Mittelstadt (eds.): Ethics of Biomedical Big Data, Springer: 199-218.
Invited: Christen M.: Klinische und ethische Fragen der Neuromodulation. In: Jox RJ, Erbguth F (eds.): Praktische Fragen der Neuromedizin, Springer, Berlin: 117-128.
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Narvaez D, Tanner C, Ott T: Mapping Values: Using Thesauruses to Reveal Semantic Structures of Cultural Moral Differences. Cognitive Systems Research 40: 59-74
Peer-reviewed: Ineichen C, Baumann-Vogel H, Christen M (2016): Deep Brain Stimulation: In search of reliable in-struments for assessing complex personality-related changes. Journal of Brain Sciences 6: 40, doi:10.3390/brainsci6030040
Peer-reviewed: Robinson B, Vasko SE, Gonnerman C, Christen M, O’Rourke M: Human Values and the Value of Humanities in Interdisciplinary Research. Cogent Arts & Humanities 3: 2213080
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Biller-Andorno N, Bringedal B, Grimes K, Savulescu J, Walter H: Ethical Challenges of Simulation-Driven Big Neuroscience. AJOB Neuroscience 7(1): 5-17
Invited: Christen M: Das Gute in der Informatik. VSH-Bulletin Nr. 1(April 2016): 59-65
Peer-reviewed: Müller S, Riedmüller R, Walter H, Christen M: An ethical evaluation of stereotactic neurosurgery for anorexia nervosa. AJOB Neuroscience 6(4): 50-65
Book: Christen M (2015): The Ethics of Neuromodulation-Induced Behavior Changes. Habilitation in the Field of Biomedical Ethics. Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich
Peer-reviewed: Ineichen C, Christen M: Analyzing 7000 texts on Deep Brain Stimulation: what do they tell us? Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 9: Article 52
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Niederberger T, Ott T, Aryobsei S, Hofstetter R: Micro-text classification between small and big data. NOLTA IEICE E6(4): 1-14.
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Müller S: Effects of brain lesions on moral agency: Ethical dilemmas in investigating moral behavior. In: Ohl F, Lee G, Illes J (eds.): Ethical Issues in Behavioural Neuroscience. Current Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience. Springer.
Invited: Christen M, Brugger P (2015): From control to cooperation – plea for a new role of IRBs. Cortex 71: 415-416 (comment)
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Bastami S, Gloor M, Krones T (2015): Resolving some, but not all informed consent issues in DCDD – the Swiss experiences. American Journal of Bioethics 15(8): 29-31 (comment)
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Domingo-Ferrer J, Herrmann D, van den Hoven J (2015): Beyond Informed Consent – Investigating Ethical Justifications for Disclosing, Donating or Sharing Personal Data in Research. Proceedings of the joint conference of the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology and the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (University of Delaware, June 22-25 2015)
Book review: Birgit Beck (2013) Ein neues Menschenbild? Der Anspruch der Neurowissenschaften auf Revision unseres Selbstverständnisses. Ethik in der Medizin 27: 265-266
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Alfano M, Robinson B: The Semantic Space of Intellectual Humility. Proceedings of the European Conference on Social Intelligence, ECIS 2014, Barcelona, November 3-5 2014.
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Ineichen C, Bittlinger M, Bothe H-W, Müller S: Ethical Focal Points in the International Practice of Deep Brain Stimulation. AJOB Neuroscience 5(4): 65-80.
Peer-reviewed: Ott T, Eggel T, Christen M: Generating Low-Dimensional Denoised Embeddings of Nonlinear Data with Superparamagentic Agents. Proceedings of the 2014 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA2014)
Invited: Christen M, Vayena E: Gesünder leben dank sozialen Netzen? Digma (14(2): 66-71. Reprinted in: "Personalisierte Medizin". vdf Hochschulverlag, ETH Zürich.
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Villano M, Narvaez D, Serrano J, Crowell CR (2014): Measuring the moral impact of op-erating “drones” on pilots in combat disaster management, and surveillance. Proceedings of the 22. Eu-ropean Conference on Information Systems, Tel Aviv 2014.
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Ineichen C, Tanner C: How “moral” are the principles of biomedical ethics? – A cross-domain evaluation of the common morality hypothesis. BMC Medical Ethics 15: 47.
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Faller F, Götz U, Müller C: Outlining a Serious Moral Game in Bioethics. ICST Transactions on Ambient Systems 14(3): e4. Link to special issue
Peer-reviewed: Müller S, Walter H, Christen M: When benefitting a patient increases the risk for harm for third persons - the case of treating pedophilic Parkinsonian patients with deep brain stimulation. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 37: 295-303
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Brugger P: Mapping collective behavior – beware of looping. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37(1): 80-81 (comment)
Peer-reviewed: Müller S, Christen M, Walter H: DBS combined with Optogenetics – fine-tuning the mind? AJOB Neuroscience 5(1): 35-37 (comment)
Peer-reviewed: Christen M: Overcoming Moral Hypocrisy in a Virtual Society. In: Complexity and Human Experiences. Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore: 39-60.
Invited: Christen M, Bangerter E. Informatisierung in der Medizin. In: Elger B, Biller-Andorno N, Rütsche B (Hrsg.): Ethik und Recht in Medizin und Biowissenschaften – aktuelle Fallbeispiele aus Biologie, klinischer Praxis und Forschung. De Gruyter, 279-285.
Abstract: Christen M: The neuroethical challenges of large-scale brain simulations. AJOB Neuroscience 5(3), 38-39.
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Faller F, Götz U, Müller C: Serious Moral Games in Bioethics. Proceedings of the Workshop on “Ubiquitous games and gamifiction for promoting behavior change and wellbeing”, September 16, Trento, Italy: 18-24. The Proceedings are available here.
Peer-reviewed: Christen M: The neuroethical challenges of brain simulations. Proceedings of the 2013 Meeting of the International Association for Computing and Philosophy, paper 7. The proceedings are available here.
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Ott T, Schwarz D: A new measure for party coherence: applying a physics-based concept to the swiss party system, 2003-2008. Advances in Complex Systems 16, 1350011 (27 pages)
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Alfano M, Bangerter B, Lapsley D: Ethical Issues of Morality Mining: When the moral identity of individuals becomes a focus of data mining. In: Rahman H, Ramos I (ed.): Ethical Data Mining Applications for Socio-Economic Development. IGI Global: 1-21
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Alfano M: Outlining the Field – A Research Program for Empirically Informed Ethics. In: Christen et al. Empirically Informed Ethics. Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy. Berlin: Springer, 3-28
Peer-reviewed: Tanner C, Christen M: Moral Intelligence – A Framework for Understanding Moral Competences. In: Christen et al. Empirically Informed Ethics. Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy. Berlin: Springer, 119-136
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Ott T: Quantified coherence of moral beliefs as a predictive factor for moral agency. In: Musschenga B et al.: What makes us moral? Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy, Springer, 73-96
Book: Christen M, Fischer J, Huppenbauer M, Tanner C, van Schaik C: Empirically Informed Ethics. Morality Between Facts and Norms. Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy, Springer. Bestellen
Invited: Christen M, Müller S: Expanding DBS indications: Reminder of the consequences of establishing a therapeutic practice. AJOB Neuroscience 4(2): 57-58,
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Vitacco DA, Huber L, Harboe J, Fabrikant S, Brugger P: Colorful brains. 14 years of display practice in functional neuroimaging. NeuroImage 73: 30-39.
Abstract: Christen M, Bittlinger M, Ineichen C, Müller S (2013): The clinical and ethical practice of deep brain stimulation—Results of an international survey of DBS experts. AJOB Neuroscience 4(2): 3-4
Book: Christen M, Faller F, Götz U, Müller C: Serious Moral Games. Erfassung und Vermittlung moralischer Werte durch Videospiele. Edition ZHdK (bestellen). English Version (pdf)
Peer-reviewed: Van den Hoven J, Helbing D, Pedreschi D, Domingo-Ferrer J, Gianotti F, Christen M: FuturICT - The Road towards Ethical ICT. European Physical Journal - Special Topics 214: 153–181.
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Glock HJ: The (limited) space for justice in social animals. Social Justice Research 25:298–326.
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Regard M: Der „unmoralische Patient“. Eine Analyse der Nutzung hirnverletzter Menschen in der Moralforschung. Nervenheilkunde 31: 209–214.
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Müller S: Current status and future challenges of deep brain stimulation in Switzerland. Swiss Medical Weekly 142: w13570.
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Bittlinger M, Walter H, Brugger P, Müller S. Dealing with Side Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation: Lessons Learned from Stimulating the STN. AJOB Neuroscience 3(1): 37-43.
Peer-reviewed: Niederberger T, Stoop N, Christen M, Ott T: Hebbian Principal Component Clustering for Information Retrieval on a Crowdsourcing Platform. NDES 2012 Conference Proceedings 2012.
Invited: Christen M, Narvaez D: Moral Development in Early Childhood is the Key for Moral Enhancement. AJOB Neuroscience 3(4), 25-26.
Invited: Müller S, Christen M: Manipulierbare Persönlichkeit? Zur Veränderbarkeit von Charakter und Verhalten durch Tiefe Hirnstimulation. In: Fink H, Rosenzweig R (Hrsg.): Verantwortung als Illusion. Paderborn: Mentis-Verlag, 71-88.
Book review: Rezension: Oliver Müller, Giovanni Maio, Joachim Boldt und Josef Mackert (Hrsg.): Das Gehirn als Projekt. Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik 58(4), 364-366.
Book review: Rezension: Stefan Huster (2011): Soziale Gesundheitsgerechtigkeit. Bioethica Forum 5(4), 171-172.
Abstract: Christen M, Regard M, Brugger P: The „immoral patient“ – analyzing the role of brain lesion patients in moral research. AJOB Neuroscience 3(3), 37.
Booklet: Christen M, Müller S (2012): Tiefe Hirnstimulation bei Bewegungsstörungen. Eine Informationsbroschüre für Patientinnen und Patienten Published by Parkinson Schweiz (www.parkinson.ch).
Peer-reviewed: Svenja Matusall, Markus Christen, Ina Kaufmann: The Emergence of Social Neuroscience as an Academic Discipline. In: Decety, J. and Cacioppo, J. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Social Neuroscience, Oxford University Press: 9-27
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Müller S: Single cases promote knowledge transfer in the field of DBS. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, May 2011, 5, Article 13.
Peer-reviewed: Müller S, Christen M: Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinsonian patients – Ethical evaluation of stimulation-induced personality alterations. American Journal of Bioethics - Neuroscience 2(1): 3-13.
Invited: Markus Christen: Die Entstehung der Hirn-Computer-Analogie. Tücken und Fallstricke bei der Technisierung des Gehirns. In: Klinnert L, Marpus P (Hrsg.): Die Zukunft des menschlichen Gehirns. Ethische und anthropologische Herausforderungen der modernen Neurowissenschaften. Institut für Kirche und Gesellschaft, Schwerte: 135-154.
Working Paper: Ott T, Rohrkemper R, Christen M. Superparamagnetic Maps: Self-organising Low-Dimensional Embedding with Superparamagnetic Clustering
Book review: Rezension: Jens Clausen, Technik im Gehirn. Ethische, theoretische und historische Aspekte moderner Neurotechnologie, Köln (Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag) 2011, 147 Seiten. Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik 57 (4): 325-327.
Peer-reviewed: Müller S, Christen M: Mögliche Persönlichkeitsveränderungen durch Tiefe Hirnstimulation bei Parkinson-Patienten. Nervenheilkunde 29(11): 779-783.
Peer-reviewed: Christen M, Neuhaus Bühler R, Stump Wendt B: Warum eine pauschale Entschädigung für Lebendorganspender fair ist. Bioethica Forum 3(2): 10-15.
Book: Jan-Christoph Heilinger, Markus Christen (2010): Über Menschliches. Biotechnische Verbesserung des Menschen zur Überwindung von Leiden und Tod? Reihe „Utopie Mensch“ des Instituts Dialog Ethik, Zürich / Verlag „Die Brotsuppe“, Biel, Band 2. (Bestellen)
Book: Markus Christen, Corinna Osman, Ruth Baumann-Hölzle (2010): Herausforderung Demenz. Spannungsfelder und Dilemmata in der Betreuung demenzkranker Menschen. Peter Lang Verlag, Bern (Bestellen)
Invited: Markus Christen (2010): Naturalisierung der Moral? Abklärung des Beitrags der Neurowissenschaft zum Verständnis moralischer Orientierung. In: J. Fischer, S. Gruden: Struktur der moralischen Orientierung. Reihe "Ethik interdisziplinär", LIT-Verlag, Münster: 49-123.
Invited: Stoop R, Christen M: Detection of Patterns Within Randomness. In: Thiel M, Kurths J, Romano MC, Moura A, Károlyi G: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos. Advances and Perspectives. Springer: 271-290.
Working Paper: Christen M, Faller F, Götz U (2010): Moral Gaming. Ethische Entscheidungen in der Spielmechanik von Videospielen. UFSP Ethik / Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Design Department, Game Design.
Book review: Rezension: Jan Christoph Heilinger (Hrsg.) (2007), Naturgeschichte der Freiheit. Bioethica Forum 3(2): 53-54
Invited: Markus Christen (2009): Experimente in der Ethik. Information Philosophie 04/2009: 16-25.
Book review: Markus Christen (2009): Rezension von Dominik Gross, Sabine Müller, Jan Steinmetzer (Hrsg.) (2008), Normal – anders – krank? Akzeptanz, Stigmatisierung und Pathologisierung im Kontext der Medizin. Bioethica Forum 2(2): 54-55
Peer-reviewed: Markus Christen (2009): Technisierte moral agents? Wechselwirkungen zwischen der neuroscience of ethics und dem therapeutischen Einsatz von Neurotechnologien. In: Oliver Müller, Jens Clausen, Giovanni Maio (Hrsg.) Das technisierte Gehirn. Mentis, Paderborn: 253-272. (Buch bestellen)
Peer-reviewed: Markus Christen, T. Starostina, Daniel Schwarz, Thomas Ott (2009): A spin-based measure of the coherence of belief systems. Proceedings of NDES 2009, 21.-23.06.09, Rapperswil.
Book: Markus Christen, Max Baumann (Hrsg.) (2009): Verantwortung im politischen Diskurs. Handbuch Ethik im Gesundheitswesen, Band 4. Verlage Schwabe / EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag, Basel (Buch bestellen).
Book: Tatjana Weidmann-Hügle, Markus Christen (Hrsg.) (2009): Ethikdialog in der Wissenschaft. Handbuch Ethik im Gesundheitswesen, Band 4. Verlage Schwabe / EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag, Basel (Buch bestellen).
Invited: Markus Christen (2009): Muster im Hirn. Neurowissenschaftliche Anmerkungen zum Musterbegriff. In: A. Gleiniger, G. Vrachliotis (Hrsg.): Kontext Architektur. Architektorische Grundbegriffe zwischen Kunst, Wissenschaft und Technologie. Band 3: Muster. Ornament, Struktur, Verhalten. Birkhäuser Verlag (Buch bestellen).
Invited: Markus Christen (2007): Eine Neurobiologie der Moral? – Fragen an ein aktuelles Projekt. In: A. Holderegger, B. Sitter-Liver, C.W. Hess, G. Rager, Hirnforschung und Menschenbild. Academic Press Fribourg, Schwabe Basel: 305-316 (Buch bestellen)
Peer-reviewed: Markus Christen (2007): Autonomie – eine Aufgabe für die Philosophie. Studia philosophica 66: 175-194.
Peer-reviewed: Markus Christen, Georges Bongard, Attila Pausits, Norbert Stoop, Ruedi Stoop (2007): Managing Autonomy and Control in Economic Systems. In: Dirk Helbing: Managing Complexity: Insights, Concepts, Applications. Springer, Berlin: 37-56 (Buch bestellen).
Book: Markus Christen (2007): Hirn-Gespinste. Gespräche und Klärungen zur Hirnforschung. Reihe „Utopie Mensch“ des Instituts Dialog Ethik, Zürich / Verlag „Die Brotsuppe“, Biel (Buch bestellen)
Working paper: Markus Christen, Thomas Ott, and Ruedi Stoop (2007): The LZ-distance satisfies the metric axioms
Book review: Markus Christen: Rezension von Rolf Degen: Das Ende des Bösen. Die Naturwissenschaft entdeckt das Gute im Menschen. Piper, 2007, NZZ vom 19.02.2008
Abstract: Markus Christen, Georges Bongard, Attila Pausits, and Ruedi Stoop (2006): From small world to hierarchic business information networks by reorganizations a real world study of a failure. Proceedings of the Workshop "Potentials of Complexity Science for Business, Government and the Media. Budapest: 202-211.
Peer-reviewed: Markus Christen, Alister Nicols, Keith Kendrick, Thomas Ott, and Ruedi Stoop (2006): Odour encoding in olfactory systems beyond synchronization. NeuroReport 17(14): 1499-1502
Peer-reviewed: Thomas Ott, Markus Christen, Ruedi Stoop (2006): An unbiased clustering algorithm based on self-organization processes in spiking networks. Proc. NDES 2006: 143-146
Invited: Markus Christen (2006): Naturalisierung von Autonomie. In: Marcel Senn, Daniel Puskas: Gehirnforschung und rechtliche Verantwortung. ARSP-Beiheft 111: 141-145 (Buch bestellen).
Working paper: Markus Christen (2006): Abklärung des möglichen Beitrags der Neurowissenschaft und der Verhaltensforschung zum Verständnis moralischer Orientierung. Pilotstudie im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes "Grundlagen moralischer Orientierung" des Ethik-Zentrums der Universität Zürich.
Invited: Markus Christen (2006): "Biofakt" als Ordnungsschema im Grenzland zwischen Natur und Technik: kritische Anmerkungen und Anregungen. Kritik zu Nicole C. Karafyllis: Biofakte - Grundlagen, Probleme, Perspektiven. Erwägen, Wissen, Ethik 17(4): 567-569.
Peer-reviewed: Markus Christen, Adam Kohn, Thomas Ott and Ruedi Stoop (2006): Measuring spike pattern reliability using the Lempel-Ziv-distance. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 156(1-2): 342-350.
Book: Markus Christen (2006/2012): The role of spike patterns in neuronal information processing. A historically embedded conceptual clarification ETH-Diss No. 16464. Brainform dissertations series No 1, Biel. Wiederabdruck 2012 im Südwestdeutschen Verlag für Hochschulschriften GmbH& Co. KG (ISBN: 978-3-8381-3347-8).
Peer-reviewed: Markus Christen, Thomas Ott, Albert Kern, Norbert Stoop, Ruedi Stoop (2005): Periodic economic cycles: the effect of evolution towards criticality, and control. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: theory and experiment, P 11013.
Peer-reviewed: Markus Christen, Thomas Ott, Albert Kern, Norbert Stoop, Ruedi Stoop (2005): Periodic economic cycles: The effect of evolution towards criticality, and control. Proc. IEEE Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics and its Applications NOLTA.
Invited: Markus Christen (2005): Der Einbau von Technik in das Gehirn. Das Wechselspiel von Informationsbegriffen und Technologieentwicklung am Beispiel des Hörens. In: Barbara Orland (Hrsg.). Interferenzen. Studien zur Kulturgeschichte der Technik, Band 9. Chronos Verlag, Zürich: 197-218 (Buch bestellen)
Book: Ruth Baumann-Hözle, Corinna Müri, Markus Christen, Boris Böli (Hrsg.): Leben um jeden Preis? Entscheidungsfindung in der Intensivmedizin. Peter Lang Verlag, Bern (Buch bestellen).
Peer-reviewed: Markus Christen, Thomas Ott, Ruedi Stoop (2004):Spike train clustering using a Lempel-Ziv distance measure. In: Proceedings of the 2004 NOLTA conference, Fukuoka, Japan: 379-382.
Peer-reviewed: Ruedi Stoop, Jonas Buchli, Markus Christen (2004): Phase and Frequency Locking in Detailed Neuron Models. In: Proceedings of the 2004 NOLTA conference, Fukuoka, Japan: 43-46.
Peer-reviewed: Ruedi Stoop, Jan-Jan van der Vyver, Markus Christen, Albert Kern (2004): Where Noise and Precision Join: Coding of Neural Information Via Limit Cycles. In: Proceedings of the 2004 NOLTA conference, Fukuoka, Japan: 375-378.
Peer-reviewed: Markus Christen, Albert Kern, Andrei Nikitchenko, Willi-Hans Steeb, Ruedi Stoop (2004): Fast Spike Pattern Detection Using the Correlation Integral. Physical Review E 70: 011901-1-7.
Peer-reviewed: Markus Christen (2004): Schuldige Maschinen? Autonome Systeme als Herausforderung für das Konzept der Verantwortung. Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik 9: 163-191.
Peer-reviewed: Markus Christen, Albert Kern, Jan-Jan van der Vyver Ruedi Stoop (2004): Pattern detection in noisy signals. In: Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium of Circuits and Systems 4: 669-672.
Peer-reviewed: Jan-Jan van der Vyver, Markus Christen, Norbert Stoop, Thomas Ott, Willi-Hans Steeb, Ruedi Stoop (2004): Towards genuine machine autonomy. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 64(3): 151-157.
Peer-reviewed: Markus Christen, Albert Kern, Ruedi Stoop (2003): A correlation integral based method for pattern recognition in series of interspike intervals. In: Ruedi Stoop (Ed.). Proceedings of the 11. Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, Studenten-Druckerei, Zurich, ISBN 3-03708-004-3: 49-52.
Peer-reviewed: Ruedi Stoop, Markus Christen, Jan-Jan van der Vyver, Albert Kern, Clemens Wagner (2003): Properties of the Control of Noisy, Stable and Chaotic Dynamics. In: Ruedi Stoop (Ed.). Proceedings of the 11. workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, Studenten-Druckerei, Zurich, ISBN 3-03708-004-3: 259-262.
Invited: Markus Christen, Ruedi Stoop (2003): Verwaltung als komplex-adaptives System. Anmerkungen aus Sicht der Komplexitätsforschung. In: Daniel Brühlmeier, Stephan Kux, Rainer Schweizer (Hrsg.). Verwaltung im 21. Jahrhundert. Akademieverlag, Freiburg (Buch bestellen).
Peer-reviewed: Markus Christen (2003): Die Ontologie künstlicher Körper. Studia Philosophica 63: 65-82.
Peer-reviewed: Ruedi Stoop, Daniel A. Blank, Jan-Jan van der Vyver, Markus Christen, Albert Kern (2003): Synchronization, Chaos and Spike Patterns in Neocortical Computation. Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering 3(1): 693-698.